Encouragement: Patrick Henry, part two

Welcome back~

First off, I would like to begin this post with a message of thanks. Because of my busy life these days, I don’t always have the time to look at my blog and reply to the comments I have received. But what I do have the chance, these comments give me hope and a reason to keep writing. So, loyal readers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. No matter whether we are strangers or friends, you are all a part of my life now. Thank you.

I figured since I started the Patrick Henry book review on Wednesday; I may as well continue it as part of the Wednesday series. After all, he is a source of encouragement after what he’s been through. My last post about Patrick Henry takes us to chapter 2. This chapter begins with two appropriate quotes about change and acceptance. They are: “Do all you can to change what you can” and”God helps those who help themselves”. This was something that Hughes family tried to live by during the first couple years of Patrick’s life. During that time, Patrick Henry endured several surgeries: many were in a effort to improve the appearance of his “eyes”. Born without eyes, the sockets had not formed properly, so if he was ever going to get some cosmetically, the muscles had to be stretched over and over again. During each surgery, the diameter of the sphere would be increased, so that eventually an “”eyes” could be inserted.

The first surgery for his eyes went according to plan; but the family was tested when they encountered complications during the second surgery to increase the size of the spheres. Patrick encountered an infection and wasn’t able to eat for several days. His parents became worried. Was this how things were going to be from now on? Their happy-go-lucky son had disappeared and this was what they were left with. It wasn’t fair. John Henry’s response: “I knew that in the grand scheme of things we’re never promised life is going to be fair, but this was going to far. At that moment, the comparison of what life had been like with Patrick Henry to what it might be was devastating..” While trying to eat at a family restaurant, everything changed though. Patrick Henry smiled and began to eat. “It was as if he had been lost in the desert and couldn’t get enough of anything,” he explained. Their son was back. If this had been God’s way of making sure the Hughes family remained thankful for everything they had, let it be.

“It was a valuable lesson and reinforced how abundantly blessed we were to have Patrick Henry in our lives.. he [Patrick] had been the center of our universe and when that was taken away, a black hole had opened up..” John continued.

As well as his “eyes”, the Hughes family did whatever they could to improve Patrick’s arms and legs. This included arm splints and surgeries. It was later determined however that nothing could be done because their son have little to none growth in his legs. Like the rest of his body, it had not formed properly, leaving the necessary bone structures to walk.

His last surgery was at the tender age of 10. This time, it was for the scoliosis in his back. Not only would this surgery correct his back problems, but it would also add a couple of inches to his stature. This excited Patrick because he would finally be able to accomplish a lifelong dream- riding on a roller coaster

Patrick’s back surgery was a success and recovery went swiftly despite an accident leaving one leg broken and in a cast.

Stay tuned as I continue to summarize the miraculous story of this young man and his family

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