Encouragement: Forgetting Something??

Okay Folks~

So it occurred to me that I have neglected this blog for way too long… I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t because the chaos of life has gotten to me-because it has! I find myself paying bills daily and making sure my Avon is taken care of; it’s exhausting! That being said, I am beginning to realize I’ve lost myself.. But more importantly, I have lost God and his picture for my life in on this.

I know he’s God-capable of doing whatever he knows I need. But I’ve forgotten something.. He has the character of a Father as well and he wants me to abide in His Word daily to remember my significance.

After all, I’m His child-above everything else! Nothing else matters. This music video reminds me that he knows my future because he’s already created it. He’s there…

I’m just trying to find my way back to that premise-where God and my faith is all that matters in this life!

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