Encouragement: Contentment & Happiness

“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. “
Philippians 4: 12- 13

The above verse comes from today’s sermon at the church we attended. I found it particularly helpful considering my recent move to Virginia and the current economic crisis. You may remember is that the is and important to be reminded about where true contentment lies. For many, this inner peace is connected to a job, a relationship or something else.
But in times like these, we are forced with difficult questions or situations that test the foundation of such contentment.
That being said, where is your true contentment?

Mine centers around the peace I have in Jesus Christ. I will admit I don’t always live in it; I’m human and as humans we can to want to take control of the situation. But, the inner peace is something for me to come back to.

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