

So I have had a pretty busy week and a discouraging one at that. The process of finding the right personal assistant for me is taking way longer than I ever expected. We just can’t seem to find people that could our needs; instead, we are expected to fit to the agency’s. I may be completely off base here, but I think that’s the wrong philosophy. After all, you’re helping people and impacting their lives by caring for them. It’s not about business, or at least it shouldn’t be. These people are depending on you to live independently as well as becoming successful American citizens trying to make their way in the world. That’s why I’m slightly disappointed with Virginia. I knew things would be different here, but I never imagined it would be this difficult. At least I have my parents I can depend on.. But, unfortunately, it won’t always be that way. I’m 28, going on 29 (in two weeks) and can’t help but wonder what the future holds for me.. Still, I guess I have to trust in God and his plans for the future. I don’t know about you guys, but as I get older, I find this task increasingly difficult.

On another note, my therapy continues.. In the beginning, I was amazed by the progress I’ve made; but now I am not so sure. I’ll admit part of it is because we still have to find the right hand splints for me to wear daily, so I’m not really seeing the whole impact. Sometimes I wonder though, why my life has to be this difficult. I mean, it’s just another thing my parents and I have to do.. I wonder when it will be enough.

Anyway, in keeping with this theme, I would like to pose a question to my readers. How do you cope with your disability on your bad days? I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts. Until then, here’s one man’s take on “Making Every Day A Good Day”. Feel free to take a look.


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