
Welcome back,

As I write this, I realize I am another two weeks behind. I am sorry for this; it seems like I have too much on my plate right now. For the last two weeks, I have had a lot more time to myself for things such as my book writing etc. because my personal assistant was on vacation. I was able to finish chapter 4 of my book. So it seems to be coming along pretty smoothly. Although with all of that time, I found myself more distracted by Facebook.

My personal life has also been busy. My family has encountered some difficulties that have kept my mind unfocused and worried. Please keep us in your prayers

Anyway, I am back and going to try this again. For a while, my posts will just include links until I get back into the swing of things. As with previous posts, I have discussed the importance of representation in terms of disability in the media. While I find it necessary and inspirational, some people think it can be taken to the limit.

Take for example this blogger,

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