Christian Writing Network

Hello Everyone~

Coming off of yesterday’s disappointing events, I am sad to report that Kayleigh (daughter of The Freemen’s -a previously highlighted blog on my site) passed away on Monday. She now sits in the Father’s presence. My condolences go out to the family; may they find strength during this difficult time. Despite her limited time on earth, her story as well as her family’s persistent faith touched millions.

On to today’s post, my apologies if my posts are shorter than usual. My family is entertaining relatives that have come to visit from Michigan. As a matter of fact, it’s one of their first visits since we moved here.

So for now, I hope this will suffice. This writing network features some inspirational blogs. I’ll admit, some of them haven’t been updated for a while. But they are still noteworthy. At some point, I hope to get around to updating my links on the blog.

Stay tuned..


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