Busy Friday

Hey Guys~

Summer has arrived and it’s hard to believe that time has passed so quickly. As I gear up for this Memorial Day weekend, I realize that there is so much more to look forward to in the coming months. I plan on going on a cruise to celebrate one of my best friend’s journey to marriage. It will be one of her last adventures as a single woman; hopefully, this time together will deepen our friendship.

Now, on to today’s post..

Growing up, I haven’t lost sight of how grateful I am to be living in the United States of America. After all, this is the land of opportunity-where all men are created equal. Unfortunately, this philosophy isn’t perfect. Take for example a recent survey done in the United kingdom. This article shows that equality is not about what can be gained, but how people are treated as a part of the human race. So, in reality, it has less to do with the laws and more to do with the ethical treatment of people.

Food for thought.

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