Another week comes to a close..


So, another week draws to a close; it was a amazing one for me. We celebrated my mom’s birthday and I was able to spend some time relaxing because I didn’t have any appointments. That allowed me some time to recharge for the weeks ahead. Although, I have to admit I haven’t done very well when it comes to exercise and stretching my muscles. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to do it all, as I have explained in previous posts.. I guess I have to set new priorities.

Today, I had a interesting morning. Previously, I had set the 6: 30 am episode of Joni and friends to tape on my TiVo. Surprisingly, I woke up just as it started to tape. This episode featured a new hero of mine, Robin Hiser who up until today I didn’t really know her. You see, Robin was born with down syndrome and like some friends I know, she is doing some remarkable things despite her disability.

But first, let me ask you a question.. What do you honestly think of when the word Down Syndrome comes into question? Mental retardation, low IQ, are some of the common responses when asked such a question. But like most people with disabilities, Robin strives to break down said barriers within minutes of meeting someone.

When she was born, doctors immediately brought up the idea of putting her into an institution. This was the typical recommendation of the times, considering that most people with down syndrome wouldn’t be able to contribute to society. Her parents disagreed.

Please take the time to view this story.. I know you will be truly blessed. In fact, I know I was. So much so that I tried to paraphrase her story. But I just couldn’t. It’s better if you hear it straight from her mouth

I encourage you to visit the website and watch this video

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