Another “Fun” Friday Post: Cole Hallman Shares “Screen Time” with His Sister

Another “Fun” Friday Post: Cole Hallman Shares “Screen Time” with His Sister
Since I have exciting plans for the coming weeks, I’m going to highlight something special today. As many of you know, American idol is celebrating their 20th year on television. The cast has the unique ability to spot talent within a matter of minutes of meeting someone; Cole Hallman is just one example. When we first are introduced to Hallman, he is playing guitar sitting by his sister, Katy. She has a chromosome deletion disorder which affects her IQ, behavioral issues etc.. But you wouldn’t know it by the way her brother interacts with her.
“… She [Katy] keeps me calm,” he says
At one point, he even shares the spotlight with his sister singing parts of the song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” as a duet

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