Alternative treatment for autism

Hello everyone,

I know Wednesdays are usually labeled “encouragement” days, but today I decided to switch things up a little. Just yesterday, I watched an interesting segment on Nightline involving dealing with autism and alternative treatments. What was the treatment suggested this time? Taking your child surfing.

That’s right, you heard me correctly. Taking your child surfing

Currently, the statistics in the US for autism is rising at a alarming rate. So much so that the American Journal Of Pediatrics is urging parents to screen their child twice for autism. Once at 18 months and then again at 24 months. Typical symptoms for the onset of the disease are your child not smiling, a child that has trouble keeping eye contact with someone or lack of speech.

Where exactly does surfing come into play in all of this? Well.. The program is called Surfer’s Healing.The theory being that the ocean waves have a calming effect on austitic children. Program founder Isaiah Paskowitz, knows this firsthand. He experienced this with his child at a early age. As a result, he and his autistic son now have a hobby they can participate in together.

“There’s some kind of magic that happens out there,” he said

It isn’t always about the surfing though. It’s about the lessons they learn through surfing- this simple fact that they can do anything they put their mind too. This weekend activity also provides an avenue for parents to get together and discuss his the trials and tribulations of having a autistic child

For more information, you can visit the website at:

Citation for TV Program: “Nightline” News segment, . ABC channel 7 WXYZ Detroit, News at 11: 30 pm, October 29, 2007


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