A special treat for regular readers..


You’re not seeing double…

I did decide to post twice today. Why, you may ask? Well, I have two topics that might be of interest to you. As many of you know, topics for this blog come from a variety of sources. These can include anything from inspirational stories in the media. For me, one of the most inspirational stories is that of Brooke Ellison. As a adolescent, she was hit by a car on her way home from school. After three days in a coma, she finally regained consciousness with her mentality (memories, thinking) intact. Despite being confined to a wheelchair and ventilator (as well as spending months in rehabilitation), she didn’t let anything stop her from accomplishing her dream. Of simply returning back to school. That’s the shortest summary of her story that I can give you. For further information, you can always go to the Brooke Ellison link that I already have a listed off to the right of this page.

Brooke’s story was also made into a book as well as a television special. The book was written by both Brooke and her mother; each providing alternate chapters. Many of you may have heard of the television special because it was the last thing that Christopher Reeve produced before he died.

Anyway, my point..

The television special is being re-aired on the Arts and Entertainment Channel as a two-part special on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Now, it airs early at 4 a.m. to be exact. So I don’t know whether anyone would want to watch it. But still, I thought I would give you the option. Just in case you happen to be up at that hour. You could just simply buy it on DVD wherever DVDs are sold

Here’s another reminder. Don’t forget to check out the season premiere of Little People , Big World tomorrow night at eight o’clock on TLC

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