A brief introduction


Hello and welcome. Let me start out by saying, this isn’t going to be your typical blog. Yes, it may have some opinions here and there and I may refer to my personal experiences every once in a while, but I’ve created this blog with one purpose in mind– to help people with disabilities like myself.

Let me explain.

Living with a disability, it’s often hard to know your dreams and accomplish them without countless boundaries being put in your path. The type of boundaries I am speaking of can be physical as well as mental. In creating this blog, I hope to show by example that is it possible to live as the blog title says:A Life Without Limits. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. Nobody is. Except God. But it is my hope that in navigating this webpage, people with disabilities are equipped with even more tools, be it information, advice, or experience to live a healthy, happy and successful life. But more importantly, make their dreams come true!

One thing to keep in mind is that accomplishing your dreams won’t happen overnight. It’s a ongoing process and it takes patience and persistence. How do I know this? From personal experience. I think this would be a perfect time to tell you a little about myself. My name is Debbie and I was born CP. But I don’t allow my disability to stop me from accomplishing anything. Case in point. I’m 26 and recently graduated with a bachelor of arts in the communications as well as a minor in English. Although my disability limits me physically, I am blessed to say that with the use of voice recognition technology I was able to accomplish that task primarily on my own.

Right now, I am in the process of looking for a job that uses my talents of writing as well as my passion for communication that can be used to inform, inspire and motivate people around the world.

And I’m not the only one. Check this out. I hope Rick and Dick (I don’t know their last names, but it’s provided in the news story) don’t mind me sharing their story. http://cjcphoto.com/can/. See people can do amazing things.

Anyway, I hope I can help you in some small way on your journey towards independence as much as this blog is going to help me by sharing my story and encouraging others to shoot for their dreams

4 thoughts on “A brief introduction”

  1. Debbie, do you have to instruct the computer to put in commas, periods, question marks etc? Or can you train the computer to know when to put those things in?

  2. Debbie, do you have to instruct the computer to put in commas, periods, question marks etc? Or can you train the computer to know when to put those things in?

  3. Meredith,

    That’s a good question. In response, yes, you do in fact have to tell the computer when to add the commas. Hopefully that information information is helpful. Come back for more information if you are interested. (Side note: thanks for being the first one to comment.=) )


  4. Meredith,

    That’s a good question. In response, yes, you do in fact have to tell the computer when to add the commas. Hopefully that information information is helpful. Come back for more information if you are interested. (Side note: thanks for being the first one to comment.=) )



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