Music Monday: “Build A Boat” by Colton Dixon

Music Monday: “Build A Boat” by Colton Dixon

by Debbie Waltz

Last week was a powerful reminder of maintaining a sense of expectancy in one’s faith. Not only does this deepen our relationship and intimacy with the Lord, but it also allows us to witness the true power of Jesus when we give Him free reign. Let me explain. As many of you know, I struggled to keep words flowing with my manuscript. Since I’ve been meeting with Linda, something shifted. Maybe it’s because I am at my wit’s end book and tired of trying to make things perfect in my rough draft. Either way, the words are coming a lot easier these days. Also, it could be because I’m participating in a weekly online Bible study that examines critical characters throughout the Bible where God’s faithfulness is on full display. (I won’t go into specific detail here, but it is based on Ruth Chou Simon’s book Now and Not Yet: Discovering Six Ways God Is More Faithful Than You Know.)

The first week’s study focused on Abraham’s life. Since his initial calling, he has consistently displayed unwavering obedience and blind trust in God. This has helped establish him as one of the founding fathers of our faith, who has been renowned for faithfully following God’s commands. The realization that Abraham, a prominent figure, also grappled with the Lord’s timetable brings a sense of reassurance and comfort. Despite approving of Sarai’s “Great” idea, he had to wait a full 25 years to have a full-blood heir. Unlike Isaac, God would not fulfill His promise to make Abraham a “father” among the generations, which would not be fulfilled until long after Abraham’s death.

Although obedience is crucial in the Christian life, it isn’t always necessary for a fruitful relationship with God. Why do I say that? Jesus is aware of all our weaknesses and still chooses to love us wholeheartedly; he knows we are human and bound to make mistakes because of our free will. When we surrender our mistakes to the Lord, he creates masterpieces. Remember what it says in Isaiah 1:18:” ‘Come now, let us settle the matter.’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’

God is still faithful. Why? Because that’s just who he is; He has a big-picture view of what the future holds for His Children.

In truth, this post ended differently than I imagined. In the beginning, I was going to share with you two instances of his faithfulness to me during the week. I will still share one, but you will have to wait for the other one to come out in my next biweekly video. It involves how I got my bedframe that functions using an app that I can do by voice. Alexa isn’t totally functioning yet (but that’s all the other story).

Anyway, two weeks ago, I was talking with a friend after church about how I wished we would go over Hebrews in our series, where we go through specific chapters of the Bible verse by verse. So she called the pastor over to ask my question. Turns out we will be going through that book of the Bible next year.

How can you be more expectant of your faith this week?

To listen to Colten Dixon song, it can be accessed here:



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