Encouragement: A Poem


I came across this poem with the help of Google alerts. It helps to express the feelings of the disabled community on a daily basis. Written by a group of sisters, it really is meant to make you think and evaluate your actions towards others. After all, you have no idea how you can affect a person. Good or bad.

Think about it.

Blessed are you who take time to listen to my difficult speech,

For you help me to know

if I persevere i can be understood,

Blessed are you who never bid me to hurry, or take my tasks for me,

For often I need time rather than help,

Blessed are you who stand beside me as i enter new untried ventures,

For my failures will be out weighed,

by the time I surprise my self to you,

Blessed are you who ask for my help,

For my greatest need is to be needed,

Blessed are you who understand that it is difficult

for me to put my thoughts into words,

Blessed are you, with smile,

Encourage me to try once more,

Blessed are you who never remind me,

That today I ask the same question twice,

Blessed are you who respect me and love me as I am,

Not as you wish I were.

(This poem can be originally located at:

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