Welcome back,

It’s Monday again and the weekend flew by too fast. Still, I enjoyed having time alone with my father while my mom traveled to get her sister who has decided to stay with us for a while. Now my mom is happy, going through old pictures of her family in order to make a photo book. I don’t blame her, it’s the only relative besides my brother and sister in law (and my cute nieces) we’ve seen in a while. Sometimes I wonder why this town has to be so small and disconnected unlike some of the bigger cities. It’s crazy, the only form of reliable transportation seems to be your very own car. You know what that means. I have to ask my parents to go anywhere. But what if I want to go to the movies by myself?

That’s not my only difficult I’m going through this week. I have a lot of stuff I’ve been thinking about this week. But I will spare you the details. Let’s just say, I’m questioning my path on this journey called “life” again lately. I am hoping God reveals himself to me once again and I don’t “wander” much longer.

Anyway, I thought I would pass this new blog onto you my readers. Like me, the owner hopes to shed some light on how having CP can have an impact on someone’s life while also trying to make a difference in today’s world. “Just Sunday” is one of her earlier postings on her blog, On the other hand, “Stretch Armstrong versus cerebral palsy” highlights her daily struggle with disabilities



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