“Who I AM” (60 seconds, subtitles)

Dear Readers~

Although I have several basic blogs over the last couple months, many of them have lacked substance. For that, I have to apologize. Over the last two months, I have struggled with yet another real-life scenario … unemployment. That’s right folks. I got laid off.

It’s ironic because almost 4 months ago I wrote about the importance of finding one’s mission field and using the gifts and talents you’ve been given to support those around you. Now I can’t help but feel I’m back at square one. That’s not to say I didn’t love and appreciate what I did using my talent of writing to improve understanding on exactly what it takes to make technology accessible to those with disabilities. The job also offered the unique platform on which I shared my experiences working with technology on a daily basis. More important though, it gave me a reason to wake up in the morning.

Even though I spent a majority of time teleworking, my coworkers went above and beyond making me feel a part of the team. They looked past my disability and saw my potential and for that I will always be grateful. I believe everyone with a disability should have the same opportunity.

That being said, I strongly applaud the  public service announcement that has aired over the last several months that emphasizes opportunities for the disabled. People with disabilities need to be seen for more than their limitations. We have so much more to give society; we just need to be given the chance to succeed!

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