Tis So Sweet

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive if you have faith.” Matthew 21:22 ESV

What a Mighty God we serve! He is the author of my story and yours. The very worst days spent in communion with Him are better than the best spent without Him. Being a musician, I have spent a great portion of my life singing of His greatness. I’ve led others in worship and taught my children to sing of His goodness and mercy. I’ve been steeped in the faith and raised to stand upon it. “’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.” And I do. Don’t I?

Then why do I struggle so to lay my burdens down?

We’ve recently been walking through the book of Judges, led by our delightfully unpreachy pastor. Along the way, we’ve met several examples of folks who needed a little extra proof that God would do what he said he would do. Now, it would be easy to insert an eye roll here, but I have to remind myself that I do the same thing more often than I’d like to admit.

“Lord, I place my trust in You, but…”

My children are getting older, making their own decisions, staying out later. Maybe you’re there too. I’m learning to loosen the reins. Fortunately, my own parents provided a great roadmap to help navigate these years. With each first, I’m able to say yes because, so far, my kids have given me no reason not to trust them. They’ve been honest. They do what they say they’ll do. They give us their best because they love us and know they’re loved in return. In other words, they have a good track record. It’s not easy, but we have faith that they’ve learned the lessons we’ve tried to teach them.

Ah, there’s that word again. Faith.

It occurs to me that my Lord has a pretty solid track record of His own. Don’t take my word for it. Ask Daniel or Jonah or Joshua. Stories of God’s faithfulness abound in the Word and friend, it’s not old news. He is a wonder-working God. One of my favorite Christian artists sings a chorus that states “If He’s greater, let Him be greater. If He’s stronger, let Him be stronger!”

Maybe it’s time to trust His track record. He’s never failed me yet. In fact, I’m certain the one thing my God can’t do is fail.

Today’s guest post was written by Noël Turner.

1 thought on “Tis So Sweet”

  1. I read this and couldn’t get this song out of my head. Just bopping’ around my house singing until The words rang true. Do I trust Him, and if I do, is it sweet? Thanks Noel for using your words to help me see that I need to reposition my heart. Fabulous writing.


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