Music Monday: The Goodness of God

Having my youngest son later in life, it’s always been my heart’s desire to take him to school. Although it doesn’t happen every day of the week, I try to make it happen as much as possible, and those days are usually my best days. I love being his Mama and am so thankful that this is the baby God gave me, finding such happiness in the early mornings watching him yawn and stretch, BIG! Trying to savor every moment, snuggling and cuddling him while getting him ready for his fun day. Packing his lunch, finding delicious healthy snacks and different drinks to bring along, and finally hopping into our car together. Setting off on the adventures of the day together. Nothing is better than that!

It’s a bit of a drive to the school, so, unfortunately, my mind wanders off in directions, both near and far. This time allows me to think and gather my thoughts from the past week. The goodness of God is something that grabs my attention often, daily even. 1 Chronicles 16:34 says, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” It’s not easy to give thanks when life throws in a monkey wrench, and I’m down deep in a valley instead of high on the mountain top. It’s hard to admit this sometimes, but our ride to school is much different than it was with my little boy’s older sis. You see, our little guy is nonverbal and doesn’t chatter with me about his upcoming day or anything. He doesn’t banter back and forth about things yet to come or talk to me in excitement about his friends. Although this is a challenge, I know we are loved by each other, by Daddy, and most importantly, by God.

Not so long ago, in early June, I was taking Eli to school and pondering my thoughts. (what’s new, lol) The music was on, probably a little too loud, and the song “Goodness of God” by Jenn Johnson was playing. As the sunshine was shining, I had one hand on the steering wheel and one in the air while swaying to the music. It’s such a beautiful song, and a smile came to my lips when I caught my little guy’s reflection in the rearview mirror. His eyes were closed, and he was dancing with the music, his little arms reaching into the air, praising the LORD. Neither of us used speech, and no words left either of our lips. Although both of us were communicating, rejoicing the Lord, and expressing our love for him. It felt so good to know that my son and I were speaking the same language of hope and praising God along the way to school. Lifting each other up and enjoying our morning together, breathing in the calmness of the sunshine and good music on that fine summer day. It was a gift straight from heaven and one that still makes my heart smile. Does your heart smile, friends, when you recall the goodness of God? I sure hope it does!

Today’s post was written by Joy McPherson. You can read more about Joy and her journey on our Guest Author page.

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