Our family said goodbye to the van – which we lovingly referred to as ” Old Betsy” – this week. To make a long story short, it was totaled after my dad and I were involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. We are both fine, only suffering minor bruises.
Where does that leave us then? You guessed it- searching for a new van! If you are a disabled reader, you probably know what a difficult process that can be; not only do you have to look for a vehicle that fits the measurements of your wheelchair ( which is not an easy task, considering in Virginia it is preferred that you point straight forward ) but you have to figure out transportation in the meantime.I guess I’m lucky in that I have a wheelchair at both my apartment and my parent ‘s, so when I come to visit it’s not that difficult. But still. One can’t help but feel guilty that they have to carry me to the car whenever I want to go anywhere .
The latest bit of news is that paperwork needs to be signed on the new vehicle we
found; it will take 2 to 3 days for the vehicle to be driven down from Pittsburgh. Then, it’s another full day in the shop getting the lock down installed
found; it will take 2 to 3 days for the vehicle to be driven down from Pittsburgh. Then, it’s another full day in the shop getting the lock down installed
Thank goodness you are all okay. But I’m sorry about your van. Maybe this is the time to get a new one that is wheelchair-accessible and comfortable. Nowadays, there are mobility vehicles that are custom-made for this purpose. I do hope that you can find one, STAT! Wishing you luck with car shopping!
Thank goodness you are all okay. But I’m sorry about your van. Maybe this is the time to get a new one that is wheelchair-accessible and comfortable. Nowadays, there are mobility vehicles that are custom-made for this purpose. I do hope that you can find one, STAT! Wishing you luck with car shopping!