On Getting a Job: How It Relates to Social Security Income


I’m exhausted. Today I attended another meeting with one of the agencies involved in helping me find a job. This agency specializes on site rehabilitation services. These services range anywhere from financial support (for on-the-job personal assistance) to technical support (analyzing the workplace in terms of assistive technology) in order to achieve long-term success in the real world.

As a result, I’ve been given a lot more to think about. In the beginning, I thought that it was going to be a easy process. After all, I had taken all of the necessary steps to successful by getting a full education. I graduated high school with honors and then proceeded on to college; during my college experiences, I received both my associate in general studies as well as a bachelor of arts degree. But boy was I wrong. There is a lot more to consider before getting a job. Yes, it means being financially independent. To many people, this independence means only freedom-the freedom to live where you want as well and make your own decisions. But with that freedom also comes responsibility.

Take for example the impact getting a job will have on a disabled person’s Social Security Income. Anyone with a disability is entitled to some kind of government support; although, it depends on a variety of factors would type of aid you are entitled to. For example, in order to receive Social Security Income , people have to be disabled and unable to work. On the other hand, Social Security is for people who have worked, gained some type of credit based on that work and have decided to retire.

I learned a lot during that meeting then I thought I’d share it with you my readers. Contrary to popular belief, a person’s SSI is not taken away from them upon getting a job. Now, the payment is recalculated based upon the monthly salary earned. How is this done? I will try to explain. But first the formula:

Monthly income -85 (the first $85 Social Security doesn’t count as income)/2 = the number that will be subtracted from your check. This deduction will continue to increase the salary increases or until such time that the earnings exceed 1333 dollars. At that point, a person will have zeroed out on their benefits. What does this mean for your health insurance if all you have is Medicaid. Don’t worry. Medicaid is protected under the provision of 1619b in legislation. However, that provision is also limited to a monthly salary number. I can’t remember exactly, but I believe it’s $2000.

Okay, so I promised you a illustration. Let’s say you earn $100 a month. They would deduct $7. 50 from your paycheck.

Personally, I can’t wait for the day when I am both financially and physically able to take care of myself. By that, I mean I want a job that I love, knowing that I can support myself with the money I’ve earned.

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