Music Monday: Prize Worth Fighting For by Jimmie Kimmett

   Music Monday: Prize Worth Fighting For by Jimmie Kimmett

by Debbie

 Another weekend has come and gone. It’s that time again time to get back to work. For some of you, that’s easy because you enjoy your job and what you’re doing. For others, not so much.

Today’s song is specifically for those people who are questioning their jobs. They know they must provide for their family, but they’ve grown unhappy and unsatisfied with their position. They are tired of going through the motions and not being recognized for their good work. They want more.

Sadly, a lot of people feel this way. But I believe it’s because people are searching to satisfy a more profound need- a need for Jesus! God knows this; after all, he created us that way.

As Christians, it is easy to forget this and get caught up in the daily grind. However, we must never lose sight of our eternal purpose and ultimate reward awaiting us.

So whatever you are going through today, press on. Press on knowing that:

  1.  God loves you; His love will see you through whatever this place may throw your way.
  2.  God is worth every bit of suffering we experience on this earth; it is nothing like the suffering that Jesus experienced on the cross.
  3. Our faith is based on nothing we did; it’s a free gift from God

 G – God’s

R – Riches

A – At

C – Christ’s

E – Expense


Jimmie’s music video “Prize Worth Fighting For” can be accessed here:

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