Music Monday: “Good Day” by Forrest Frank

Music Monday: “Good Day” by Forrest Frank

By Debbie Waltz

I first heard a piece of this little song on Instagram; you might have seen it as well if you are on social media. This guy is sitting at a picnic table with his headphones ready. Leaning up against the table is a sign that says: “Sit here if you are having a bad day.” In the clip, it’s unclear exactly when the video was taken since the time can be interpreted either way and the sun can be seen in the distance over a body of water; either way, the response is the same. No one takes the bait.

Why? Maybe they’re simply leery of what this person might do. After all, what can another person do to improve one’s outlook? Good question. But back to our scenario. After another 5 minutes, someone finally sits down, and Frank (I’m assuming) hands the stranger another headset. He then goes to town, setting the beat to the intro of the song and against singing. Almost instantly, the stranger relaxes, bobbing his head to the music and singing along. Now I’ve always believed music can change people’s moods, but this scenario is proof.

Not only does this prove my theory about music, but the fact that some people still want to believe there’s a God. It’s some innate need for connection to something bigger than ourselves. As Christians, we believe Jesus Christ is the only one who has that kind of power. In fact, we spent an entire week discussing this in our “When we pray.” study. For the sake of time, I thought I would only bring up two unique attributes:

  • He is omniscient. God knows everything, past, present, and future – all potential outcomes and real outcomes, all things great and small
  • He is omnipresent. God is fully present everywhere

These attributes may seem daunting, but I prefer to think of it as comforting. Why? Because Jesus loves us so much; he would prefer we rely on Him in all of life’s circumstances.  But he doesn’t want it out of allegiance or duty; that’s why he gave us free will. He wants us to CHOOSE Him above all. Sadly, we don’t. Because our sin and pride get in the way

Frank Forrest’s song “Good Day” reminds us to hold on tight to the promises of God; we can walk in confidence knowing that he goes before us and that we are never alone. Psalms 139:5-6 in the New Living Translation says, “You go before me and follow me. You place your and of blessing my head..”


1 thought on “Music Monday: “Good Day” by Forrest Frank”

  1. Thank you for sharing this song with us! Psalm 28:7 is all about our Lord, trusting Him, and singing praises to Him!

    “The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
    My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.” (NIV)


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