Music Monday: “Faithful Still” by KingsPorch

Music Monday: “Faithful Still” by KingsPorch

by: Debbie Waltz

For those following my blog recently, you may have noticed a change in my outlook. I attributed it mostly to the change in weather and simply having difficulty transitioning from a holiday schedule to a regular routine. With various family members serving as caregivers, it’s crucial for me to remain flexible and recognize that every individual will have unique approaches and techniques. Though to be fair, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. Since my last writing update, we have completed the final checks from our end and have placed it in the very capable hands of my writing coach. Amazingly, she hasn’t suggested we change much and feels the writing is strong enough to stand on its own. By all accounts, it sounds wonderful unless you considered all I’ve been through in the past. Writing is subjective, I know.. However, what distinguishes this attempt from my previous endeavors to achieve such proximity to submission with publishers is a crucial question that needs addressing?

Throughout my arduous attempts to get my manuscript reviewed, the uphill battle of breaking into this industry has been painfully clear. That being said, I’ve tried my best to develop a tough skin, to shield myself from the barbs and criticisms that life throws. It’s hard since the manuscript’s subject is so personal. I’ve always stressed the crucial need for greater representation of minorities and individuals with disabilities, ensuring their voices are heard and their experiences valued. I still feel this is necessary, and it’s comforting to have allies beyond one’s immediate family.

Through it all, I’ve struggled with knowing what advice to take and who to trust; my mind being jaded so many times before. Though in the past blogs, I reiterated the need to trust in Jesus for everything. I am learning lean on this promise even more as we embark further on this publishing journey. People may fail us, but God won’t. Numbers 23:19 reminds us, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” I have to believe when God wants the book out, He will make it happen. Sure, inevitable changes will probably occur, but I believe it will not mess with the essence of the story and still have an impact. What kind of an impact I’m not sure but I’m hoping it will shift people perspectives on the disabled and make them rethink their decisions and ask God for advice

But those are just my dreams Ephesians 3:20  3:20 reminds us he can do so much more. It says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,”

For KingsPorch video, it can be accessed here:



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