Movie Monday: Personal Reflections on The Chosen Season Episodes 1-6 Part 2

Movie Monday: Personal Reflections on The Chosen Season Episodes 1-6 Part 2

By: Debbie Waltz

[Disclaimer: This post is Part 2 of my impressions on Season 4 of The Chosen. If you are looking for part one, it can be found here: Part one in my impressions of the chosen season 4. As with Part 1, this post might include spoilers. As previously stated in the last post, I tried my best not to include them but found it nearly impossible. I will admit it was a bit easier this time because much of the storyline came straight from the Bible. Albeit they skipped around a bit.]

When we left the group, they would visit Lazarus, Mary, and Martha on the way to Capernaum. Only a few of the original disciples have had an inkling of what may be coming; As a result, they reminisce about old times and cling to Jesus amidst their uncertainty. Jesus welcomes this, knowing he will soon be gone and they will have questions. Despite his best efforts in teaching them, they still don’t get his TRUE MISSION and what it will ultimately take to accomplish it.

Finally arriving at Lazarus’s house, the group is ready for rest and fellowship with their friends. While Martha continues preparing food and making sure everything is spic and span for her guest, Mary has settled down to listen to Jesus’ teaching. After making several trips to the kitchen, Martha can no longer hold her frustration in. She pleads with Jesus to ask her sister to help her serve the food and then she can come back and listen to him-there is work to be done.

Listening to Mary’s concerns carefully, Jesus says that while hospitality is an important aspect of the Christian life, it won’t last and doesn’t have any eternal value. On the other hand, the lessons that Jesus gives his disciples do. They lay the foundation for their faith and how to interact with the people who cross their paths daily.

As Jesus fellowships with the disciples for a while, he becomes concerned by the way Lazarus is acting and wants to be alone. Seeing her son in distress, Mary of Nazareth follows him and they talk. Jesus confides in her how the disciples still don’t understand the reality of His mission and ministry here on earth and what it will take. It’s not just about healing people, but saving souls for eternity. Mary points out that they are only human, but Jesus says he is human too! Sensing his frustration, she suggests a different strategy – just like when he was young and Joseph was trying to teach him how to carve something- “he’d show you with his hands rather than just tell you.” (my paraphrase).

While all this is happening, Judas goes to visit one of his old mentors  (Haded) and explains all the good things Jesus is doing. They discuss the shock of Ramah’s death and the fact that the Romans haven’t been properly punished. Judas shares his belief that Jesus could be the Messiah but admits he is struggling to find his purpose in the group. Despite his role as Treasurer, he expressed a desire to do more in the ministry. But Jesus isn’t interested in hearing any of it. Judas doesn’t feel appreciated at all for the talents and experience he brings to the group. Haded tries to encourage his old colleague, saying that someday his deeds will be acknowledged. But until then, he suggests paying himself something for the work he does. At first, he seems offended by the idea but eventually, he starts keeping some money for himself.

Meanwhile, Shmeul (played by Shaan Sharma) and Yussif (played by Ivan Jasso) find that they both occupy seats in Sanhedrin. As a friend, Schmuel tries to introduce him to several Pharisees so he can get connected and involved. One of them is Lahad who is part of the community that hopes to regain control of Beersheba. As part of the effort, he reveals that he’s plotting to get Jesus executed to draw attention to the issue.

In episode 6, the disciples finally begin to feel the ramifications of the ministry; though they still question the meaning of recent events. The episode opens with the disciples carrying an injured big James over their heads. The women rush ahead clearing off the table so they can get a better look at his injuries. Just a few days ago, they were celebrating Hanukkah– The Jewish festival of rededication. After they lit the first candle, they reenacted the events of Alexander the Great and his sudden death- leading to the division of the kingdom under his four generals.

On the second night, the playacting continues with Antiochus Epiphanies’ persecution of the Jews and the following rebellion by Judah Maccabee as well as the expulsion of the Greeks and the idol of Zeus from the temple. This led to the rededication of the altar in which the lamp continuously burns for 8 days, despite only having one day’s worth of oil.

On the third night, the disciples entertained themselves by arm-wrestling and worshipped the Lord by singing songs based on the Psalms. They collaborate on what should be the next gift Thomas receives for the next day on Hanukkah; the disciples settle on a new pair of sandals. Judas is not happy with the idea but acquiesces saying they will have to barter for it; this confuses Matthew because by his calculations they should have enough to buy him sandals.

At the market, Simon uses this time to check in with Thomas. They have bonded over their shared experiences of grief and have formed a new sense of camaraderie with one another. Thomas admits he still questions why Jesus allowed things to happen how they did and Peter says it’s okay to question. Peter says this: “Jesus doesn’t mind the questions, it’s when you don’t like the answers [and your reaction] that usually becomes a problem” (this is a paraphrase of one of my favorite quotes.)

On the fourth night, Thomas receives the shoes and the group sings a wonderful rendition of Psalm 115. Jesus informs them he has received a letter saying Lazarus is sick,  but not to worry the sickness will not lead to death.

The disciples are hard at work the very next day doing menial tasks to help finance their ministry. Disgusted at this idea, Judas provides an alternative. Why not pass a collection plate in every town they pass through to find the ministry instead? Concerned that Judas is confusing his own ambition with the advancement of the kingdom as James and John once did, John decides to reason with him. Judas pushes back saying he’s only concerned about Jesus’ ministry and nothing more. John encourages him to talk to Jesus about it then.

Finding Jesus in a field watching some sheep, Judas broaches the subject of his outreach and ministry. While insisting he is proud of the ministry and what it has accomplished so far, Judas wants his kingdom to come even quicker; wishing he could take care of any obstacle in its path. With that, he introduces the donation idea. Jesus listens intently as Judas finishes speaking.

While he admits the idea is an interesting one, he explains he has other plans for his ministry. Jesus encourages Judas to watch more closely to Jesus’ words and actions in the coming days. If he does he will learn much.

I have glossed over many of the main ideas in the first 6 episodes of The Chosen Season 4. Although I have to admit I had a little help from the Bible Artist. This website broke down each episode into its key points and allowed me to remember some ideas I may have missed. For those looking for a more comprehensive breakdown, I would encourage you to subscribe to his newsletter for the coming seasons.

I also appreciated how in the middle of the major plot points, Dallas Jenkins managed to put some minor subplots as well- like the reality that Christians don’t always get along. This is evident by Simon Peter’s inability to forgive Matthew for his role in the taxation of his own people. While Matthew did apologize, he didn’t fully comprehend the impact his role had on Simon Peter’s family life. In talking with one of his fellow brothers, he finally recognizes the impact of his decisions and the role he played. Overwhelmed with guilt, he says something like “I’m not worthy.” To which he replies something to the effect of: Jesus makes us what we aren’t”

My most favorite quote of the 6 episodes is this one (which I will leave you with):

“I only have one job- to Follow him. The rest takes care of itself.”



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