Faithful Friday: Jonathan Roumie New Docuseries, “Jonathan and Jesus.”

Faithful Friday: Jonathan Roumie New Docuseries, “Jonathan and Jesus.”

By: Debbie Waltz

Earlier this week, I explored just a few controversial issues that paint the church as an institution in an unpleasant light in today’s society. Depending on how strong our convictions are, we can let these issues take over the church and slowly lose sight of who Jesus is. As my pastor reminded us on Sunday, there are many denominations, but there is only one church made up of those who believe in Jesus Christ and seek to walk with Him daily.

Jonathan Roumie is one such believer. In previous discussions with Dallas Jenkins, he has expressed the immense weight placed on his shoulders playing the role of Jesus In his new docuseries, “Jonathan and Jesus.” Roumie opens up about how his iconic role has changed his personal and professional life, shaping what he believes about Jesus and how he continues to move in our lives today. Roumie shares how he did voiceovers just to get by before landing the role; at one point, he even questions leaving acting when God “dropped” this opportunity into his lap.

Still, he admits it’s a lot of responsibility to place on one man’s shoulders. Roumie prays for Jesus’ guidance to portray the role authentically and honestly. He hopes the lines between human and character aren’t blurred; but has seen it happen during his career on the “Chosen.”

Through intimate conversations with different religious leaders, Roumie attempts to bridge the gap by bringing in a new sense of understanding of the meaning of unity. It’s not based on a political perspective, but a spiritual perspective-connection. Connection with people and with Jesus. John 13:34- 35: “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

This documentary is available on Amazon prime and I would encourage all my readers to watch it. It will not only give you a unique glimpse into Jonathan’s life, but challenge your view as a Christian.

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