Faith for the Future

Hebrews 11 begins with these words, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” How do we obtain this confidence and assurance?

I have learned to filter my life through my favorite quote by Corrie Ten Boom. She said, “Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.”

When my mind wants to wallow in the emotions of a difficult trial, I remember and recite these words. It allows me to view each experience as a stepping stone to the next. Knowing Corrie’s beautiful truth helps me handle each tough situation with grace.

Facing difficult times with grace did not come easily. I had to wrestle with life experiences to gain it.

My husband and I suffered through infertility for nine years before finally jumping off that roller coaster. During those nine years, we fostered eight infants, faced two failed adoptions, adopted a six-year-old, and questioned God’s will a million and one times.

Knowing Corrie’s truthful quote earlier in my life would have made it easier to deal with those challenges. Although I cannot turn back the hands of time, I can reevaluate each experience with God’s gift of hindsight. When I do, I can see that each child and each failure taught us something, which made it easier to work through the next struggle.

What experience can you run through the truth of Corrie’s words? What did that experience teach you? What future experience did it prepare you for?

Try reevaluating a situation through these words and see if you can see God’s hand preparing you for the future. The more you practice this, the easier it gets and the more your faith will grow.

We can be grateful for God’s sovereignty. The assurance and confidence of things unseen can be obtained by knowing He holds all things in His hands. He is shaping our faith for the future.

Today’s guest post was written by Sandra J Bunch.

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