
Hello everyone,

My apologies for not keeping this website up to date on my surgery or up-to-date in general. It’s been a very frustrating past few weeks as I have encountered some more health issues in this journey called life. Wheelchair users can probably understand my situation, sitting up in a chair for eight hours a day trying to get done and the problems that that may cause. Not to mention, the difficulty we are having trying to get me in for therapy one month AFTER my surgery! The hospital I normally would go to put me on a waiting list and we are still waiting. We are still looking into other hospital alternatives.

Meanwhile, I have seen increased use of the sites sides of my fingers: I am functioning well, but can’t wait to get my arm feeling normal again with exercises and movement through therapy. Honestly, I don’t know why it’s taking this long to get me in anywhere. Oh well.. I know I should be grateful for this time, and I will probably be complaining after therapy begins.. But I just can’t wait to see the full impact of the surgery.

Anyway, here is an encouraging article that I found a while back. It shows the kindness of strangers who believed that people with disabilities have the right to live a normal life, outside that of a nursing home.


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