Wisdom Wednesday: The Wisdom of Searching Part 4

Wisdom Wednesday: The Wisdom of Searching Part 4

Submitted by Debbie’s Dad

 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.

 (Psalm 139:23-24 NASB 1995)

Last week, we looked at one man who examined his own heart to realize that he desired to believe in Jesus, but recognized that he also had some doubts in his mind. Jesus told him, “… All things are possible to him who believes.” And the man replied, crying out with his problem: “I do believe; help my unbelief!” (See Mark 9:22b–24). He acknowledged the frailty of his belief and the presence of doubt.

In this week’s passage, David extolled the ever-presence and all-knowledge of God in a short, 24-verse Psalm, written to the choir director, the chief Levite. This was the choirmaster appointed for the Temple service according to the Law and appointed by David (I Chronicles 6:24). It was to be set to music for worship.

The first 22 verses praised God’s marvelous aspects of sovereignty over his life:

  • The All-knowing God (vv. 1-6)–David knows that God has searched and knows all about him–his thoughts, everything he does (his ways), even his words (before he says them!) Knowing that God sees all of this is too wonderful for him.
  • The Ever-present God (vv. 7-12)–David also acknowledges that God’s Spirit is always present everywhere–in his earthly life or in darkness and death. David envisions the picture that God’s right hand will grasp him and lead him (v.10).
  • The All-powerful Creator (vv. 13-18) – And David acknowledges that he was created (physically woven, made, and skillfully wrought) by God in conception and his lifetime of days was known by God before his first day of existence.
  • The Gracious God (vv. 19-22)–In spite of all of these aspects of God, He is hated by treacherous, wicked men who blaspheme Him; yet God allows them to speak against Him.

In closing (vv. 23-24), David asks the Lord to search His life:

  • Search me, O God, and know my heart – He invites the all-knowing God to examine his heart- the core of his being
  • Try me and know my anxious thoughts – As the man that approached Jesus in Mark 9, he asks the Lord to know his doubts, anxieties, and fears. This is even in spite of the prior verses that extolled God’s supreme greatness and involvement in every aspect of our life.
  • And see if there be any hurtful way in me – In the search, he asks the Lord to search out hurtful (Literally, painful) ways (intents) in his heart.
  • And lead me in the everlasting way – And, as in the Lord’s prayer that says, “Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil…”, David asked for guidance to walk in God’s way – that leads to everlasting life.

We have seen that the wise search the Scripture and their own hearts, asking God to lead to everlasting life. Let us ask the Lord to search our heart, examine our thoughts, and lead us to walk with Him into an eternal life with Him.

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