Music Monday: “These Days” by Jeremy Camp

Music Monday: “These Days” by Jeremy Camp

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers~

What comes to mind when I say the word “church”? Depending on who you ask, you are liable to come up with a variety of answers. Take, for example, those who have grown up in the church and have a long history of faith. Others, however, may know nothing about the church or what it stands for. The church institution may have hurt others and, as a result, they might want nothing to do with the church anymore.

I am blessed to be a part of the first group. However, I realize not everyone is as lucky. We each come with our own backgrounds and experiences that shape our viewpoints and perspectives in life. These unique perspectives play a profound role in shaping our beliefs about everything- even our faith.

During the last several weeks, both my home church and “online” church have attempted to discuss the idea of church in two very distinct and different ways; my home church is looking at the historic church after Pentecost in the book of Acts. My online church is looking at why the church was founded and what causes hurt in the church.

Though they come at the series from two distinct perspectives, they both make the same points.

Contrary to popular opinion, a “church” is so much more than a building. We are the church, believers, and followers of Jesus Christ  – Who is the Head of the church and our Lord. As I’ve alluded to in my previous posts, once we become Christians, we serve as ambassadors to those around us. We are acting as Christ’s representatives to a very broken world. Your neighbors and coworkers alike will notice the difference in your life and begin asking questions. Hopefully, this will allow you to witness – having an open and honest dialogue with one another about your faith. Be ready because we never know when God will provide such an opportunity. Peter said, “But in your heart revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have. But do this in gentleness and respect..” (1 Peter 3:15),

Believers are bound to make mistakes, but the Lord will guide us by His Spirit to be kind, forgiving, apologizing, and humble, so we may be effective ambassadors. My pastor reminded us that while there are many denominations, there is one church made up of those who believe in Christ and seek to walk with Him daily.

To listen to Jeremy’s song, it can be accessed here:

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