A New Year, New Start

Welcome Back Readers~

Happy New Year. I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and family during Christmas break; I certainly did. Now last year had its share of up and down, but through it all God has remained faithful. I continue to hold on to the truth that no matter what comes my way even in my days of doubt and uncertainty He is there- holding me, strengthening my faith and creating a future better than I could ever imagine imagine.. The future may be unknown to me but I know Jesus is already there and sees what’s ahead for me!

I am actively searching for another job since my other one concluded in June. Honestly, it surprised me and that’s why I haven’t written on this blog since then. I kind of lost sight of my purpose and felt I had nothing new to say. Having said that, I have decided this year would be a great time to start fresh. I am making a promise to you my readers- a promise I want you to hold me accountable to.. I plan on writing on this blog at least twice a week. Granted, that’s not the only thing I will be doing; along with continuing the job search, I plan on starting to write on my fiction book again (once I find the most recent version.)

So, feel free to email me when you feel I may have forgotten I put this in writing.

Anyway, this Youtube clip was featured on the news during Christmas break and I thought I would share it with you. 17-year-old Lauren Brocious uploaded the video to cheer up a friend who was encountering bullying in school. She had encountered similar circumstances and decided to do something about it. The audience reaction has been overwhelming, the clip receiving over 98,000 views.

Check it out

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