Guest Authors

From time to time I may use Guest Authors on my blog. I wanted to have this page as a quick index for all of those who have graciously contributed their time and effort. I encourage you to visit their site and to learn more about them. –Debbie

Table of Contents

Lori Vober

Lori suffered an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke at age twenty-nine, and then developed epilepsy due to the stroke. She is a walking miracle, and felt called to share her story, and her journey of faith and perseverance, to encourage others. Lori believes God has a plan for each of us, but life is about your choices! Even with her difficulties, she was able to become an adoptive Mom of a sibling group of three. She published her first book through Trilogy Publishing titled, CHOICES: When You Are Faced with a Challenge, What Choice Will You Make? Lori and her husband, Dainis, have been happily married for twenty-four years and reside in Goodyear, Arizona. You can read more about Lori on her website.

Lori's Latest Book
Eric and Joy McPherson

Eric and Joy grew up longing for far-off places until realizing that home is where Jesus is. Thankfully now living just a few miles away from where their story began. Next-door neighbors who fell in love, and blended their little family into one who overcomes. They have realized with time that hope speaks in different, sometimes unique ways. Knowing we must seek our paths in faith, in this, we find our journey.

Speak Ike website
John and Jyll Stuart

Jyll is an entrepreneur, writer, and dreamer. She is the owner of Veracity Technologies and part owner of ShockAlarm, a water safety device. She and her husband John reside in Southern Indiana with their rescue cat, Jynger

In Jyll’s words: “I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a wife – married to my best friend – he inspires me, motivates me, encourages, and supports me. I enjoy writing, crafting, and cooking.”

Becky Lane

Becky Lane is a follower of Jesus. She is also a teacher, writer and illustrator who believes everything has a purpose. Becky currently lives in the Midwest of the United States and used to call South Korea home.

On her website,, she shares devotionals and inexpensive activities and teaching tools for families.

Eric McPherson

ERIC MCPHERSON is the owner and blogger at Since graduating with an engineering degree, Eric has worked in Quality in the manufacturing industry. He enjoys photography, photo retouching, web designing, and developing picture book ideas. He also enjoys spending time with his favorite rescue puppy Ike.

Stephanie Pavlantos

Stephanie Pavlantos is passionate about getting people into God’s Word. She has taught Bible studies for twenty years and has spoken at ladies’ retreats. She self-published her first Bible study called The Few, the Humble, the Church: A Study on the Book of Ephesians and Spiritual Warfare in 2008. Mt. Zion Ridge Press published her second Bible study, called Jewels of Hebrews, in 2020.

Her third book, Room at the Table: Encouraging Stories from Special Needs Families, released on November 1, 2022.

She has a podcast called Grafted: Jewish Roots of Christianity at and co-hosts a show on Messianic LAMB Network TV called Living Waters: Falling Deeper in Love with God’s Word.

Ordained with Messenger Fellowship in Nashville, TN, Stephanie works for Besorah Institute for Judeo-Christian Studies in the Student Services department and teaching online classes.

Married for thirty years, she and Mike have three children, Matthew, Alexandria, Michael and two German shepherds, Sophie, and Mia. Mike and Stephanie have a small homestead where they grow fruits and vegetables and raise sheep, chickens, and ducks.

Ruth Hovsepian

I want you to know one thing about me: I am alive today because Jesus died for my sins. Seriously, that is the most important thing about me.

I love Jesus. Why? Because He is AMAZING! He has given me a new lease on life.

Contact Me for podcast information, speaking engagements, and to subscribe to my newsletter.

Kyra Joy Craig

You can find Kyra Joy and follow her writing at: where she offers encouragement to live with joy and contentment even in the deep valleys of life. She sees both beauty and sorrow as she lives with Cerebral Palsy.

It’s not easy, however, she is on a mission to learn and teach ways to live a more spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy life regardless of limitations.  You can find her somewhere drinking a strong cup of French Roast coffee. Follow her on Instagram @kyrajoycraig, Facebook, or Pinterest

Tonya Nash

Tonya is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 25 years of experience helping people navigate life. She has worked in schools, hospitals, and churches, and is now in private practice in Birmingham, Al. 

She desires to help others navigate mental health issues through scripture and faith. You can find her on Instagram or on Facebook.

Sara Beth Williams guest author
Sara Beth Williams

Sara Beth Williams is a published author of contemporary Christian romance. Two of her four novels have been nominated for the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference Selah Award: A Worthy Heart (2020) and Anchor My Heart (2022), and her short story Fear No More won third place in the Collaborative Press Flash Fiction Contest (2020).

She lives in Northern California with her husband, two daughters, and two tuxedo cats. When she’s not held hostage by the keyboard, she enjoys playing guitar, reading, gardening, and spending time with her family. Find out more on her website.

Sara Beth Williams

Sandy and her husband, Rick, have been married for 34 years and have lived in the St. Louis area for most of that time. Currently, they are empty nesters who have been graced with sharing a house with two cats, Yeti and Teddy. They are parents of two daughters and proud grandparents of twelve–ten children and two dogs.

Sandy teaches History to seventh and eighth graders. She also teaches English and Reading to sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. Her favorite aspect about teaching is watching her students’ faces as they create their own worlds and characters. Sandy has been published by DaySpring Greeting Cards and in three anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Volunteer’s Soul.

Sandy’s writing has placed in the Blue Mountain Christian Writer’s Foundation Awards for three years. Her children’s book, Gigi’s Glasses won third place (2020). In 2021, her poem titled Such a Little Time won first place. In 2024, her young adult novel, The Memoir of Lucas P. Scott placed third.

Sandy enjoys watching and listening to God’s creation and is especially thankful for water, birds, and cats.

Noël Turner
Noël Turner
Noël Turner lives in Southeast Texas with her husband and two young adult children. A proud native Texan, she swears by Tex-Mex and iced tea. A music teacher and vocalist by trade, she often draws inspiration from the community in which she serves. She writes of strong, independent women, with a touch of romance. When not working, she can be found lounging around the campsite with a good book and her spoiled pups.

Cover photo by Luke Lung on Unsplash